How is your organisation prevented from adopting effective agile and remote working?
Without the right technology and business approach, agile and remote working can significantly disrupt productivity and business performance.
There were already difficulties in adopting agile and remote working practices. But while the transition was gradual, existing business technology infrastructure was adequate.
Now there is a massive surge of remote working, which has stress tested capabilities and found them wanting.
So, there are major organisational, administrative and technological challenges ahead. But luckily, there are actions and activities available to help you meet them, including:
And it’s not just about making sure you have the technology and organisation to provide all these quickly and at scale.
You need to introduce a learning programme that empowers your people and ensures they have the confidence and comprehension required to work effectively from home.
An effective learning programme is vital to business success.
As we evolve new ways of working, you need to make sure your people have the skillsets required to use new technology and meet the growing demands of your industry.
You can do this by developing and delivering an effective learning programme and promoting a learning culture within your organisation.
Plan your material, ensure that you are covering a range of learning styles to facilitate your people and start inspiring the future leaders of your organisation.
This is one of the most influential ways you will overcome the challenges of mass remote working.