A key priority outlined in the new NHS Long Term Plan 2019 is to improve frontline services. In order for this to be achieved, the NHS must make £700 million in back office savings. Back office functions can easily go overlooked. From Finance to Information Management, healthcare’s back office requires a significant amount of staff resources. The vision for the Long-Term Plan is to invest in digital technologies to automate services and reduce administrative costs, saving staff time and minimising errors.
Digitalising back office processes is just as (if not more) fundamental to improving patient care as adopting the most cutting-edge AI technologies.
Using technology to improve internal processes, however, is not just about cost efficiency – it’s about transforming patient care and improving communication with patients. It’s also about becoming more streamlined, efficient, and offering patients’ choice.
Digital technology can create sustainable change in healthcare. And, with people now living longer and requiring longer hospital care, sustainability is more important now than ever.