Technology is changing the landscape of healthcare. Digital breakthroughs are making a huge impact in supporting the NHS to become more responsive to patient needs and paving the way to smarter working practices. With the right digital tools, the NHS can transform its internal systems and become a centre of innovation.
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, is driving a fresh focus on digital technologies to support healthcare staff and enhance care for patients. Championing Artificial Intelligence-based technologies and digital tools to improve back-office working, Hancock is encouraging the NHS to become an environment that is rooted in disruptive innovation, where new ways of working can be realised, and where people, processes and technology work in alignment.
The scale of transformation needed throughout the NHS is huge and, with evolving needs, it can be difficult to know where to begin. The first task is to identify the areas that need the most change, to affect a step-change in workforce performance and productivity.
With emerging technologies, healthcare leaders now have the opportunity to pinpoint the relevant tools to address their most pressing challenges, giving patients more choice and healthcare professionals more power. Now is the time for the healthcare sector to arm itself with the digital technologies to stimulate the transformation so urgently needed.